
home Endometriosis

Cause of Endometriosis

xenoesstrogens cause Endometriosis

phytoestrogens cause Endometriosis

Correct Dose of progesterone for Endometriosis disease

Progestins not to be used with Endometriosis

No Estrogen Use with Endometriosis tumors ( myoma )

Thyroid Use for Endometriosis

Testing for progesterone in the body

Stories of Endometriosis cures

Failures in Endometriosis cures
 Questions and Answers about Endometriosis

Summary for care of Endometriosis


Recommended Books to Read for Endometriosis

Get Natural Progesterone for Endometriosis

Explore Some More Xenoestrogens Theo Colborn's Life on Exposing Endocrine disruptors



Explore Some More Xenoestrogens

Visit Tulane University's Center for Bioenvironmental Research


Natural Progesterone help for Endometriosis

Using Progesterone Cream helps get rid of the Endometriosis

How Much Progesterone Cream Should I Use?

Using Natural Progesterone for endometriosis takes patience. For the four to six months use 70 mg/day of natural progesterone from days 6 to 26 with the first day is the start of your period. This comes out to using 1 oz of progesterone cream/oil per week assuming each oz contains 500 mg of Natural Progesterone per oz of cream/oil. After the endometriosis will NOT be stimulated for four to six monthly cycles, the endometriosis will lessen.   The endometrosis can use further treatment after 6 months by taking progesterone on days 12 to 26. Women who have a great amount of body fat may need to have a slightly greater dose. If you have a progesterone cream that has 1000 mg of Natural Progesterone per oz use one half ounce per week. 5-10% of women do not absorb progesterone well through the skin, and in this case oral progesterone may be used.

by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.

John Lee, M.D. treats Endometriosis with 70 mg/day of natural progesterone for 4-6 months on days 6 through 26.  This simulates pregnancy, and tells the ovary NOT to ovulate.  The ovary usually produces 20 mg/ of progesterone. During pregnancy, the placenta produces 400 mg/day of progesterone. Thus, there is a very large therapeutic range for the use of progesterone. Thus, natural progesterone is quite safe to use in doses from 20 mg/day to 400 mg/day. Natural Progesterone is the same molecule that your body produces; it is bioidentical to the progesterone your body produces. In contrast, many of the synthetic estrogens and progestins are chemically modified from the natural molecule and are dangerous to use. See Progestins. Thus, Natural Progesterone is safe for you to use in a very large varying dose.

If the cream or oil contains 500 mg/oz , and his patients use one ounce of cream every week during days 6 through 26 where day 1 is the first day of your period. chemical lab and enometriosis This comes out to about one (1) teaspoon per day. The cream can be applied to any part of the skin with good circulation. The area may be on the neck, chest, legs, arms, thighs, palms, or soles of the feet. Rotate the areas so that the progesterone will not saturate any one area. The cream is applied once in the morning and once before bedtime. Some patients experience mild drowsiness after application of the cream. If so, one application before bedtime is fine.

Since progesterone is an oil soluble molecule, it is absorbed into the body fat. The body fat acts like a reservoir or sponge and soaks up the progesterone. Thus, women who have much body fat may need to take greater amounts of progesterone for it to work. Skinny women may need to take less progesterone. After using natural progesterone for a while, you will learn what feels better. One sign that you are taking too much is that you become too happy when taking progesterone and when you stop taking progesterone you become depressed. If this is the case, you may be taking too much. Use whatever dose works for you!

5-10% of women do not absorb natural progesterone well through their skin. If you are absorbing progesterone well through the skin, you should feel the difference with less bloating and less tender breasts right before your period within 10 days. A simple saliva test can confirm skin absorption. See Testing. If you do NOT absorb progesterone well through the skin, then oral natural progesterone may be used.


  • Use a progesterone cream that gives you 60-70 mg/day of natural progesterone per day for the first 4-6 months on days 6 through 26 where day 1 is the first day of your period.
  • If the progesterone cream/oil contains 500 mg/day, for the first 4-6 months use one ounce of cream per week; this is about one (1) teaspoon per day.